Shift is the product of 18 master students working within Openlight, the creative lab of the Intelligent Lighting Institute at Technical University Eindhoven, shown at GLOW festival 2012 in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Students of the Intelligent Lighting Institute of Eindhoven University of Technology made visitors of GLOW 2012 think about the amount of control we have on the changing façade of the world. The visitors were able to experience individual and collective influence on the world around them by collectively replacing weight.

  • Academic module and concept development.
  • Tutoring of students during concept exploration.
  • Overseeing of execution.



Our world is in a constant state of transformation. Most of the time, our view of the world will change parallel to this transformation. The changes in the world are often propelled us as an individual, group, generation or country. Are we aware of the influence we have on our environment? The installation allows you to experience and admire this influence by joining forces with others.
Your acts have meaning!